The Sigma Phi Educational Foundation exists to promote scholarship and enhance the college experience amongst our undergraduate Chapters. We reward academic achievement and provide reimbursement for education related expenses. Our programs incentivize academic excellence, and seek to broaden and build upon the formal college learning experience.
Our programs include the following:
Academic Rewards
Academic Excellence Award for active Brothers earning Dean's List Recognition
Honor Society Key Reimbursement (for example Phi Beta Kappa or Tau Beta Pi)
Best Undergrad Newsletter Award
Best Graduate Newsletter Award
Education Related House Improvements
Wireless infrastructure Stipend
Printer Stipend
Achievement Awards
David Brown Award
Elihu Root Award
Hick's Oratorical Contest Award
Campus Speaker Program
Convention Leadership Seminar or Educational Symposiums
Invite a Professor to Dinner Stipend
Thorsen House Restoration
Mortgage Investments for chapter house purchases or loans (most recently Alpha of North Carolina)
The Sigma Phi Educational Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. FEIN 13-3269746
Your contribution may be tax deductible. Consult your tax professional.