Dear brothers, - The above link is to a President’s Forum program at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS) held on October 22, 2024. This forum was sponsored by Sigma Phi and the Career Center of HWS. The moderator of the program was Jack Meagher, student President of the Delta. The principal speaker was Ed Hajim, a friend of mine who has written a book called “The Island of the Four Ps.” The book is targeted for young people and discusses how to make a life, not just a living. Ed presents this through a fable that details, in sequence, the importance of knowing your Passions, then determining your Principles, then picking your Partners, and lastly, making your Plans. The event was well attended by the students and HWS bought more than 100 books to give to the students. HWS gave a book to each brother of Sigma Phi in thanks for them sponsoring the program. Ed is working to get this program at as many college campuses as possible. His belief is that students exit high school or college to earn a living but don’t know how to make a life.
Please know that the initial sound associated with Ed’s voice is weak, but that sound becomes normal after about 1 or 2 minutes. Ed is worth listening to. He was a very young boy who was hijacked by his father from his mother (and was told his mother had died – Ed found out years later she was alive), who then left Ed to be raised in 5 different orphanages. Ed went on to attend the University of Rochester on a Naval ROTC scholarship and later earned a Harvard MBA. Much later, he became a 20 year member of the U of R Board of Trustees and its Chairman for 8 years. I was playing golf with him a few years ago and he was wearing a U of R cap. I asked him how much that cost and he replied “$30 mill.” He had given the Hajim College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. His philanthropy extends far beyond this.
I hope you will watch the entirety of this – including the question and answer period. And, if you have high school. College, or recent graduates, it would be even more beneficial if they watched it.
Our Delta is doing good things - including about $300,000 of recent house improvements. And, the Delta will be hosting the 2025 National Sigma Phi Convention. Thanks to all of you for making these things happen.
Esto perpetua.
BSL, - Jim Anderton, G’62
Email: jfandertoniv@gmail.com
Cell: 517 214-1300