With great sadness we announce that we have received notice that David W. Pauls, M'65 has passed away the night of March 28, 2024. Dave was instrumental in the creation of the Sigma Phi Educational Foundation (SPEF) and in the early years of its administration. He gave the organization credibility in its fledgling early years, both designing many of the educational and academic programs SPEF offers and helping grow the Foundation’s assets to fund them. Dave served as the Foundation’s Executive Director for many years and was a prime mover in enabling SPEF to be a vehicle for tax-deductible donations to be made for preservation of California’s Thorsen House through a conservation easement. Dave served as an advisor and mentor to many SPEF officers and leaves a legacy that will be felt by Sig undergraduates for many years to come.
Memorial donations in Dave's honor may be made to the Sigma Phi Educational Foundation that Dave put his heart and soul into for many years.
Never forget the brother…
